The real reason that college graduates vote with the Democrats.

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The real reason that far more college graduates become Democrats.

As more and more people go to college, they become politically literate. They vote with the Democrats because the Democrats historically defend the moral high ground. That is a good thing. We want our new graduates to hold the door open for more upwardly mobile people who will come after them. Democrats vote for laws that help working-class people get an education. Republicans do the opposite.
The more education that the voter has, the more likely the voter is to vote with the Democrats. That is true. Republican spin doctors have used this statistic to paint the Democrats as the party of the elite. It works. What Republicans do not do is distinguish between educational achievement and economic achievement. There are many measures of upward mobility.
Point number two: Teaching real political literacy in HS is taboo, but not in college. College is about making decisions rationally, not emotionally. Weak Republican spin does not work on people who can do that. Educated people read history. They know that the Republican Party has never been the party of working people. Educated people don’t fall for trickle-down economics. They don’t fall for appeals to racism and fear of immigrants. They know that Republicans use wedge issues and identity politics to get working-class voters to vote against their own political and economic self-interest. They understand that a universal public safety net helps everyone, workers, and owners.
You don’t have to go to college to become politically literate. Libraries are free. Here is my free book on political literacy. It has 100,000 hits. Change is here. We can do this.

Blue Collar Firewall Economics-Political Literacy for Democrats-Click the link.

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