Identity Politics vs. Economic Priorities. The argument for a concentrated offensive. Avoid single-issue stealth candidates. JD Phillips, LCSW.


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Progressives that see economic reform as priority one hate identity politics. They agree with all of the movements to reform racism, sexism, homophobia, environmentalism, etc., but they know that the Republican strategy is to divide and conquer. Here is my slogan for the economics first argument.

Wedge issues are the meat that Fascists throw to the angry dogs that are catching up to them. Don’t vote for a Corporate Democrat who will put economic reform on the back burner to promote a single issue that Wall Street can afford to lose and stay in power.

Republicans use wedge issues to divide the left. The only counter-argument to the economic priority argument is that the left can walk and chew gum at the same time. Can we? Is that the best strategy?

The counter-argument to walk and chew gum is that revolutionary energy is finite. If progressives volunteer time and money to separate movements that put economic reform on the back burner, there is less energy available to reform Capitalism and fight poverty.

Wedge issue campaigns attract people who are not progressive, and that weakens the movement for economic reform. You do not have to be progressive to be against racism, sexism, homophobia, environmental degradation, etc.

Think about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Basic needs should come first. We need to fix the weakest link before we move on. That is the most efficient use of finite revolutionary energy. Wedge issues jump right over basic fundamental needs. Every diverse group should have equal respect, both interpersonal and institutional, but it is even more important to feed everyone first.

For example. A strategy for 2020. CONCENTRATE reform energy and resources on universal health care. After we get it, we can concentrate all of our resources on the next most fundamental battle. Maybe fixing the tax code or getting rid of the electoral college. The left should attack one target at a time. We have more resources than the right only if we concentrate them.

Notice that Wall Street loves to fund wedge issue stealth candidates in the Democratic primary race to peel votes away from Progressives like Bernie. You get a woman who is a corporate Democrat, a gay person who is a corporate Democrat, a person of color who is a corporate Democrat, an environmentalist who is a Corporate Democrat, etc. Each stealth candidate peels 5% away from the Progressive base, even though they are not progressive.

The issue of economic justice is the Achilles heel of radical Capitalism. Radical Capitalism can survive the loss of all of these wedge issues, but it can not survive fundamental economic reform.

Conclusion. Please vote as you always do for all of these important issues, but don’t vote for a corporate Democrat just because of their sex, gender, stand on abortion, gun policy, or any other single issue that puts economic justice on the back burner. Unregulated Capitalism is the cause of all these other problems. Single issue campaigns only treat the symptoms. That’s why Republican strategists love them. Economic reform attacks the core problem. Firewall Economics is a good start.

Here comes another epidemic. Universal health care anyone?


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An epidemic is a slam dunk argument for Medicare for All and every other progressive policy.

Even a billionaire can die if the sick kid that makes his burger can’t see a doctor. Not only that, if the kid can’t get a paid sick day, he will go to work sick. If a single mom with a minimum wage job can’t afford daycare, she will send her sick kids to school. Listen, people. We are a social species. What affects one person affects all of us. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who gets it. He wants to give us Medicare for all. The rest will cave. Vote in the primary.



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That would be a big step toward getting the money out of politics. Candidates will spend $10,000,000,000, Ten Billion Dollars on TV spots in this election. Except for Bernie, the money comes from rich donors before being recycled into the pockets of Republican owned media companies. The media companies cycle it back to the rich. Put a 25% tax on the ads and use the money to pay for the public funding of campaigns.

Republican Senators Please


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Virtue is better and cheaper than wine, but virtue is not free.

Whenever you find yourself confused by a mass of conflicting Machiavellian political trade-offs, the best strategy is to stop reasoning by cold calculation and rise above it. Lock your mind in a guilt-free political vacuum, do the right thing, and pray. How would you vote if this was your last day on earth? Your body will pass, but your vote will live forever.

Chess is combat by competitive cold calculation. Morality is cooperative. You can’t get to morality by cold calculation. Never play poker with a chess player, and never play chess with God.

Trump must have dirt on all of the Republicans.

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That’s how organized crime operates. The boss won’t let any underling have power without first making them do something illegal and/or doing something to them that can be used to keep them quiet. You can’t flip on the boss if you did a dirty deed for him. Trump probably gave dirty Russian money to all of the Republican legislators. It’s the end for the current group of Republican incumbents, but the rich oligarchs that control the party will just replace them with new candidates that will be more than ready to take the dirty money. Citizens United opened the door to organized crime.

How can MSNBC be impartial in this election? They live on advertisements from Drug Companies.

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Every other commercial on MSNBC is for an overpriced prescription drug. That must be half of their revenue. You won’t see much of Bernie Sanders on MSNBC because he will stop the private drug company scam on prescription drug prices. Election coverage should not be controlled by the Private Sector. Election information should be provided by the Public Sector. The US is so far to the right that we don’t even have Public Sector media.

Parnas just implicated the whole Trump gang live on the air.

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Lev Parnas just confessed to Rachel Maddow on the air. He implicated Trump, Pence, Barr, and Rudy.

Now that we know that the corruption goes way deeper than Trump, we call on the Democrats to declare right now that the investigations will not stop after the November election. Even Obama refused to do that. We don’t want another “let’s just move on” after the Democrats regain power. Pence is guilty. Rudy is guilty. Barr is guilty. Keeping the investigations going after the election will punish the Republicans who refuse to impeach Trump is the face of all this evidence. The entire GOP probably got Russian money laundered through the NRA, and most of them think they go free after the election. If the Democrats close the investigations after the election that will prove that some of the corporate Democrats got some of that money too. My guess is that only Bernie is clean.

Trump just provoked Iran. Learn the real history of the conflict between the US and Iran.

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US oil companies and Republican politicians attack Iran. When Iran can sell oil, it lowers profits for US and Saudi oil. Iran drives oil prices down by increasing supply. Iran will not sell oil in dollars. That angers the US. Republican oil wars purposely drive up gas prices. Read history. US oil companies toppled the Iranian government over the oil.